Our Earth in its beauty and simplicity is an extraordinary Galaxy. As I travel through the Globe and dip into other cultures and people’s world, I always take a step towards my own growth.  I observe, listen, be aware and take 100% responsibility as to what am I experiencing as that is the data, that is replaying in me. More often than not we pre-judge, tell our mind a story, as to what we think will happen, how will it happen or what should or should not happen. Meaning we act from data and not inspiration. Inspirations appear by Divine force in a way, that we least expect it. It is not possible to predict when, or give it a time frame or how will it be. We will simply act upon them when we are in a Zero state of being.

I came across a beautiful ranch recently, where they produce a plethora of nature’s finest products. I fell in love with everything as soon as I passed through the gate the first time I visited. I felt I was in my dream and it was/is a true treasure trove of discoveries. For me, it is a reflection of the abundant light of the wonderful human being, who nurtures the land and its gifts. He is kind hearted and I see the beauty of the land matches his soul. The gentleness of his body paired with his infinite expertise is admirable. And the animals are just magical, their love has gifted warmth to my heart and I received healing from them. I feel blessed to be given an opportunity to experience the essence of beauty and simplicity.

Not every human being is able to receive love instantly or at all. And that is only, because our data is in governance, which can be fear, anger, rage, hate, insecurities, what we think were bad choices and so on. When we fall in love with everything, we not only change our world, we change the whole Cosmos. Light always, shines through the darkness. I wish you, your family, relatives and ancestors Peace beyond all comprehension. Peace of I.

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