Alchemical Facilitation
Facilitating, coaching and clearings are between 30 minutes to an hour or more, everything can be created to suit your current requirements.
I thank you for choosing me as your facilitator and a sovereign master teacher. Are you choosing to thrive, manifest and to be the energy of knowledge, wisdom and prosperity? Are you ready to allow and receive? Are you willing to take 100% responsibility for your life? What are the infinite possibilities that are available to you NOW? Are you looking forward to embrace your true being and start manifesting the life you desire now?
Holistic Alchemical Raw Vegan Food Facilitation
Andrea uses the Earth and its elements to facilitate the person so they can discover what hidden or stuck problems are they hiding in their body, mind and spirit. These sessions are on zoom or skype or telephone.
1 day Face to Face Bespoke Facilitation
This facilitation starts in the morning and it happens in nature. Alchemical Facilitation, Healing with and from Earth, Raw Vegan Picnic/Facilitation with Food, Ho’oponopono and Alchemy of the Body Advanced Body Session. Every facilitation comes from Divine Inspiration and totally unique to match the required energy in the moment. Love Moment by Moment. Get in touch to book.
Inventory Sessions 30/60/90 Days
How this happens?